Principal’s Message

We are excited to begin this 2023 – 2024 journey together with a renewed sense of purpose and a captivating theme that will guide our endeavors throughout the year: “Unleash the Superhero in You!” This theme encapsulates our commitment to providing a strong foundation for our students while fostering their brilliance, creativity, and unique talents.

We believe in nurturing well-rounded HEROES who not only excel academically but also demonstrate compassion, leadership, and resilience.

As we embrace this theme, we also recognize the significance of collaboration and open communication between school and home. We invite our families to be active partners in their child’s education journey. Stay informed with the latest information and events by visiting our school website at and our Instagram page @HowardDriveMDCPS. Lastly, I urge you to get involved and join our PTA and/or EESAC to partner with us in making decisions that impact our school community and benefit our school.  Together, we can create a supportive and nurturing environment that empowers our students to reach new heights!

Thank you for your ongoing support, trust, and partnership. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our doors are always open, and we value your feedback as we strive for excellence together.

Let’s POWER UP for an ah-mazing and HEROtastic year!